In years past, reverse mortgages tended to be a last resort option for seniors who were struggling financially with no relief in sight. However, this is no longer the case as a…
Reverse Mortgages And Natural Disasters
Here’s how this specialized loan may help qualifying homeowners in California if a natural disaster strikes. California cities, including Sacramento, San Francisco, Riverside, and San Diego, are ranked in the top ten…
How A Reverse Mortgage Can Be A Game-changer
Important information for everyone, from seniors and adult children to professional advisors and realtors. Reverse mortgages can provide solutions for a wide range of financial challenges faced by seniors, like late-life divorces,…
How Do You Repay a Reverse Mortgage?
One of the most attractive benefits of reverse mortgage loans is that borrowers are not required to pay them back until they have reached maturity. This happens whenever the borrower has passed…
What is a Reverse Mortgage?
What is a Reverse Mortgage? A reverse mortgage is a type of loan that is funded using the equity that has built up in a home. A reverse mortgage is designed to…
Is a Reverse Mortgage Right for Me?
“Is a reverse mortgage right for me?” This is a question many people people 62-plus (the minimum age to qualify for a reverse mortgage) have asked themselves. A reverse mortgage can be…
Is Your Marriage Retirement-Ready?
We’ve all heard stories about the couple who got along famously… until the husband retired and was suddenly underfoot all day, rearranging his wife’s kitchen cupboards or telling her how to run…
No More Nest Egg! Now What?
What happens when you’ve saved and planned for retirement — and then the rug beneath your feet morphs into a magic carpet of debt and disintegrates? That’s what happened to one Boomer…